Tenants have several rights during the eviction process that are designed to protect them from unlawful or unfair treatment. These rights vary by jurisdiction but generally include the right to receive proper notice, the right to contest the eviction in court, and the right to appeal a judgment.

Tenants must be given written notice of the eviction, which must detail the reason for the eviction and the deadline by which they must vacate the property. The amount of notice required can vary based on the reason for eviction and local laws.

If a tenant disagrees with the eviction, they have the right to dispute it in court. During the court hearing, tenants can present evidence and argue their case. If the court rules in favor of the landlord, tenants still have the right to appeal the decision in some jurisdictions.

Additionally, tenants cannot be forcibly removed from the property without a court order. If a landlord attempts to evict a tenant without following legal procedures, the tenant may have grounds for a wrongful eviction claim.