Handling discrimination claims requires careful attention to federal, state, and local fair housing laws. The Fair Housing Act prohibits discrimination in housing based on race, color, religion, sex, national origin, disability, and familial status.

If a landlord is faced with a discrimination claim, they should first review their policies and practices to ensure they are in compliance with fair housing laws. It’s crucial to handle all tenant applications, interactions, and lease agreements without bias.

Landlords should document all interactions and decisions related to tenant applications and lease renewals to provide evidence of non-discriminatory practices. If a claim arises, the landlord may need to respond to a complaint filed with a local or federal fair housing agency. It’s advisable to consult with legal counsel to address these issues effectively and to review any complaints thoroughly.

Preventative measures include providing fair housing training to staff, implementing standardized procedures for tenant selection, and ensuring that all rental advertisements and communications are free from discriminatory language.